Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Monopoly Token Swap

For those Monopoly lovers, get set for a new token piece for the game. Hasbro, maker of Monopoly, has issued a change in piece for the beloved game. The classic pieces were the battleship, the top hat, the thimble, the dog, the iron, the racecar, the wheel barrel, and the boot. However, Hasbro started a fan-based contest of Facebook to determine what new piece will be unveiled: the guitar, the robot, the diamond ring, or the helicopter. 

All the drama in social media was like: "Stop messing with a classic Hasbro!" or "Its about time we get some new pieces." Some people felt slighted because if a new piece was coming in, then it would take the place of an older piece but no one knew which one. But after the contest was completed the cat, of all pieces, edged out the competition with 31% of the votes. Personally, I wanted to see the helicopter on the board, but I guess equality among the pets prevailed. 

So now the new cast of monopoly would be the battleship, the top hat, the thimble, the dog, the cat, the racecar, the wheel barrel, and the boot. And yes, the iron was not name again; Hasbro conducted a survey for its fans over 185 countries. The fans showed the least interest for the iron piece thus exiling it from the new version of the game set to debut in mid- to late 2013. The statuette [as it is formally called], which was added to the game in the 1930s, picked up just 8% of the vote. It will join the other eliminated pieces such as the lantern, the purse and the rocking horse.
Hasbro said the iron will retire from Monopoly production lines immediately, warning that players attached to the token should rush to pick up existing versions of the game. So if your heart is out for the iron head out to Toys R Us now and get a game of Monopoly and cherish it forever and hey, maybe you can start collecting the pieces.

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